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Advantages of Insight

  • Multi-cluster Management

    By using a global service cluster to uniformly store metrics, logs, and trace data, unified monitoring of multiple clusters is achieved. Users can query data across multiple clusters.

  • Out-of-the-box

    • Open Source Curated Dashboards: Insight provides a variety of ready-to-use pre-built monitoring dashboards, allowing comprehensive monitoring of clusters, nodes, workloads, and other components through built-in dashboards.
    • Built-in Alert Rules: Insight offers built-in alert rules, enabling out-of-the-box monitoring of basic metrics for cluster resources and system components without any configuration.
  • High Availability

    • Lightweight Agent, supports one-click installation via Helm.
    • Data storage components support multiple replicas to ensure high availability of data.
  • Open Source Compatibility

    • Compatible with standard open-source Prometheus, supports native PromQL queries for metric data.
    • Compatible with standard open-source Prometheus.yaml collection rule configuration files, suitable for customizing monitoring collection rules within Kubernetes via ServiceMonitor.
    • Adheres to the open-source OpenTelemetry specification, supporting the integration of Jaeger trace data.
